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Group Project Assignment:
Sustainable Housing Solutions in Pacific Rim Cities

The goal of the Pacific Rim Cities Sustainability Initiative (PCSI) is to help stimulate major Pacific Rim cities to transform their current carbon-intensive architecture to a more sustainable footprint. PCSI aims to catalyze behavioral change among municipal decision makers, consumers, and business by fostering on-going dialogue and sharing best practices on urban sustainability.


Click on the image to the left to download a PDF of "Environmental Sustainability in Metro Manila," by Yesenia Mendoza, Marcus Pettit, Adriana Silva, and Donna Xiao, students from Professor Hansen's Fall 2012 WRIT 340 Class.

Click on the image above to download a PDF of "Environmental Sustainability in Shanghai," by Leon Chik, Gina Hazarian, Ani Kolangian, JT Terrell, and Kaylee Yang, students from Professor Hansen's Spring 2013 WRIT 340 class.

The assignment requires a team to prepare an analytical report looking at the sprawling Pacific Rim Cities and address how existing housing infrastructure could be redesigned or replaced by environmentally friendly buildings that allow for quality of life in the personal and work spheres.

Each team focuses particularly on one of the Asian Pacific Rim cities: Mumbai, Shanghai, Manila, Hong Kong. Teams may draw comparisons to all Pacific Rim cities, including Melbourne, Los Angeles, and San Francisco, or even identify "best practices" examples from other metropolises worldwide.

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